既然是原始,那就徹底原始吧!好不容易敖到室內課,又剛好不用卡哨,也所幸逃過沒完沒了的公差(公差永遠是在室內課抓人,永遠都在搬東西),而前一天半夜 又正好沒有夜哨...這兩天的我精神特好,在課上班抄筆記,一邊開始原始的使用僅有的原子筆塗塗畫畫,順便提醒自己,我是什麼樣的人,該做什麼樣的事。
張貼留言 (Atom)
11 意見:
haha....之前受訓也是常無限開合跳,大家整組都跳的熱血...之後分隊長說"操出我的野性來了~再來跑個3K吧~" >_<
Dear Enzo,
I perused your post (只剩原子筆) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell road construction safety equipment. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
road construction safety equipment. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like road construction safety equipment on interest free credit and you can pay for your road construction safety equipment whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: road construction safety equipment.
Dear Enzo,
I perused your post (只剩原子筆) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell private road construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
private road construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like private road construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your private road construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: private road construction.
Dear Enzo,
I perused your post (只剩原子筆) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell quality assurance highway construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
quality assurance highway construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like quality assurance highway construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your quality assurance highway construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: quality assurance highway construction.
Dear Enzo,
I perused your post (只剩原子筆) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell private road construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
private road construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like private road construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your private road construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: private road construction.
Dear Enzo,
I perused your post (只剩原子筆) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell highway construction project. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
highway construction project. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like highway construction project on interest free credit and you can pay for your highway construction project whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: highway construction project.
Dear Enzo,
I perused your post (只剩原子筆) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell road construction of pa. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
road construction of pa. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like road construction of pa on interest free credit and you can pay for your road construction of pa whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: road construction of pa.