
ZOOPAPA 設計師潮流平台

ZOOPAPA 設計師潮流平台 首波商品正式登場!!!

ZOOPAPA是一個將「設計」與「潮流」、「街頭」…等流行的年輕文化,充分完美結合的「設計師潮流平台」。ZOOPAPA從設計師平台做為品牌 精神的出發,並以時下流行的各種單品作為切入點和結合媒材,邀請世界各地在這個領域活躍及優秀的設計師參與合作,將舞台和精神放在「潮流文化」以及這些優 秀的設計師和作品身上,將潮流與藝術完美結合,並且融入計師品牌精神,開發出具有品質及藝術價值兼具的流行商品。

ZOOPAPA結合了潮 流品牌的路線和風格,以及平台性質品牌的優點和精神,將平台性質的品牌重新詮釋,並且找到焦點。不僅能夠成功結合設計和藝術 作品在潮流的領域和單品上,豐富現有潮流和流行的定義與內容,同時以創作者意識和精神做為出發點,彌補一般潮流品牌設計上的不足。


ZOOPAPA is a combination platform of up today's trendy brands, creative design and street art... etc. Also a platform defined by its devotion to brands We believe that any creative vision and art piece may become one of the most trendy product in the world. Therefore, our product was created by the conceptual ideas from designers and artists.

We would like to invite all the people who are on the same page to join us! If you want to present the public the most updated and trendy works, then be part of ZOOPAPA!

ZOOPAPA is a combination of up today's trendy brands and creative design. Also defined by its devotion to brands. We believe that any creative vision and art piece may become one of the most trendy product in the world. Therefore, our product was created by the conceptual ideas from designers and artists We want to present the public the most updated and trendy works .

Our goal is to provide marketing and sales related services for talented designers . We wants to see a creative artwork to be part of consumers lives.

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